A Coup In Camelot
A Powerful New Documentary on the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy

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Directed and Produced by Stephen Goetsch
Written and Produced by Art Van Kampen
Narrated by Peter Coyote

Featuring Interviews with...

Sherry Fiester
Douglas Horne
Dr. David Mantik
Vince Palamara
Dick Russell
Barry Ernest
Jerry Dealey

Douglas Horne
Sherry Fiester
Sherry Fiester

A Certified Senior Crime Scene Investigator and law enforcement instructor with 30 years of experience, Sherry Fiester is court certified as an expert in crime scene investigation, crime scene reconstruction, and bloodstain pattern analysis in Louisiana Federal Court and over 30 judicial districts in the states of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Florida. Author of numerous articles in professional publications, she is recognized as an instructor in her field at state and national levels. In her book, "Enemy of the Truth: Myths, Forensics, and the JFK Assassination," Fiester uses the science of modern forensics to analyze what the Zapruder film is actually revealing to us as the President is shot.

Stephen Goetsch
Vince Palamara Peter Coyote
Sherry Fiester Art Van Kampen
Dr. David Mantik Paul Koslo
Dick Russell David Chisholm
Barry Ernest James Neal
Jerry Dealey John Griffiths