A Coup In Camelot
A Powerful New Documentary on the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy

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Directed and Produced by Stephen Goetsch
Written and Produced by Art Van Kampen
Narrated by Peter Coyote

Featuring Interviews with...

Sherry Fiester
Douglas Horne
Dr. David Mantik
Vince Palamara
Dick Russell
Barry Ernest
Jerry Dealey

Douglas Horne
Jerry Dealey
Jerry Dealey

Jerry Dealey is a member of the Dealey family of Dallas. His Great Granduncle was George Bannerman Dealey, for whom Dealey Plaza was named. Dealey is a JFK researcher, Dallas tour guide, local historian and student of both the history of Dallas, and the Assassination. He is an intimate expert on President Kennedy’s trip to Texas and the specific events and locations involved in the assassination. He is a member of the “Dallas Historical Society” and author of “D in the heart of Texas,” a look at the history of Dallas, Dealey Plaza, the Dealey family, and The Dallas Morning News.

Stephen Goetsch
Vince Palamara Peter Coyote
Sherry Fiester Art Van Kampen
Dr. David Mantik Paul Koslo
Dick Russell David Chisholm
Barry Ernest James Neal
Jerry Dealey John Griffiths