A Coup In Camelot
A Powerful New Documentary on the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy

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Directed and Produced by Stephen Goetsch
Written and Produced by Art Van Kampen
Narrated by Peter Coyote

Featuring Interviews with...

Sherry Fiester
Douglas Horne
Dr. David Mantik
Vince Palamara
Dick Russell
Barry Ernest
Jerry Dealey

Douglas Horne
Dick Russell
Dick Russell

Dick Russell is a former staff writer in the Hollywood Bureau of TV Guide Magazine, and a staff reporter for Sports Illustrated in New York. After seventeen years of research and over a hundred interviews he published “The Man Who Knew Too Much” in 1992, followed in 2010 by “On the Trail of the JFK Assassins.” A nationally respected activist, environmentalist, and author of critically acclaimed books, including, with Jesse Ventura, The New York Times bestsellers "63 Documents the Government Doesn't Want You to Read" and "American Conspiracies." Russell has been published in many of the nation's top magazines ranging from Family Health to the Village Voice and has been a guest on numerous national TV and radio programs, including the NBC Nightly News.

Stephen Goetsch
Vince Palamara Peter Coyote
Sherry Fiester Art Van Kampen
Dr. David Mantik Paul Koslo
Dick Russell David Chisholm
Barry Ernest James Neal
Jerry Dealey John Griffiths